This Tuesday, Dec. 1st, is a global day of charitable giving, and it’s a great way to celebrate St. Alban’s, tell our story, and invite people to support our missionary parish and its evangelization in the Rochester area.
The Ember days are four seasonal times of prayer and fasting, and an ancient part of the Ordinariate's English Catholic patrimony. The Advent Ember Days in 2020 are Wed. Dec. 2nd, Fri. Dec. 4th, and Sat. Dec. 5th.
Bishop Steven Lopes, bishop of the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter, which covers North America, discussed with the National Catholic Register the new divine office for the Ordinariate and how it completes the Ordinariate’s liturgical books. But he also provided insights into the rich theology of the Liturgy of the Hours, and why all Catholics should really embrace it for a full liturgical life in the home and the parish as envisioned by the Second Vatican Council.
National Catholic Register: The imminent publication of two editions of Divine Worship: Daily Office are a triumph for the Ordinariates and a testament to Pope Benedict XVI’s ecumenical vision.
In response to the pope's invitation, St. Alban's is adding special times to pray the Office of the Dead in local cemeteries and confession times for the whole month of November for the sake of the faithful departed.