We invite you to give sacrificially to the Bishop's Appeal as we do every year to help our Ordinariate in its work to invite men and women into a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, by knowing him through the beauty of Catholic teaching and by nourishing them with the Bread of Life, Jesus truly present in the Eucharist.
Your gift helps our bishop prepare future priests for ministry and helps us as our St. Alban's Ordinariate Catholic Church moves forward on acquiring our own church campus in a Rochester neighborhood we will help evangelize and serve with Jesus' love.
Cards and envelopes are available at the Saturday 4:30 p.m. Mass (St. Nicholas) and our Wednesday events (St. Cecilia). You can make checks payable to "The Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter."
You can also donate online
Please make sure to designate "St. Alban" when you give.
We also invite you to read the letter from our bishop and thank you in advance for your faith-filled generosity. May God bless you!
Read The Letter from Bishop Lopes