St. Alban's seeks to enrich its beautiful liturgy through the use of sacred music drawn from both the Roman Catholic and Anglican traditions. Typically heard at a Mass are Gregorian chant, a motet, an Anglican chant psalm, a sung Creed, and four or five classical hymns from The Hymnal 1940. The priest chants many of his prayers. While the choir sings the chants and motets, the entire congregation chants the Creed and sings the hymns. On special feasts, the choir sings a choral or polyphonic Mass Ordinary by William Byrd, Palestrina, or other classical composers. The Hymnal contains music in English translation from the first century through the early twentieth century from a wide variety of composers, poets, and theologians.
The choir of St. Alban's sings weekly and interested members with some musical background are always welcome. Rehearsals typically immediately precede Mass on Saturdays.
For more information about participating musically at St. Alban's, contact Director of Music Aaron Tan: [email protected].
Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity, Sep 14 (Sat)
Crux fidelis, King John IV or Portugal
O taste and see, Ralph Vaughan Williams
413 Lord, as to thy dear cross we flee ST. BERNARD
340 We sing the praise of him who died BRESLAU
341 Beneath the cross of Jesus ST. CHRISTOPHER
351 Praise the Lord through every nation SLEEPERS, WAKE
Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity, Sep 21 (Sat)
Let thy merciful ears, O Lord, Thomas Mudd
524 God of grace and God of glory MANNHEIM
536 Turn back, O man OLD 124TH
344 O love, how deep, how broad, how high DEUS TUORUM MILITUM
418 Blest are the pure in heart
Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity, Sep 28 (Sat)
Lord, we beseech thee, Adrian Batten
286 Praise to the living God! LEONI
431 In heavenly love abiding NYLAND
453 Jesus, all my gladness JESU, MEINE FREUDE
355 All hail the power of Jesus' Name! CORONATION
Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity, Oct 5 (Sat)
Oculi omnium, Charles Wood
214 O perfect Love SANDRINGHAM
376 Come down, O Love divine DOWN AMPNEY
191 Thou, who at thy first Eucharist didst pray SACRAMENTUM UNITATIS
495 Blest be the tie that binds BOYLSTON
Twentieth Sunday after Trinity, Oct 12 (Sat)
Primum quaerite regnum Dei, Heinrich Isaac
518 Judge eternal, throned in splendor ST. LEONARD
476. Teach me, my God and King SANDYS
416 O for a closer walk with God CAITHNESS
347 Alleluia! sing to Jesus! HYFRYDOL
Twenty-First Sunday after Trinity, Oct 19 (Sat)
Christus factus est, Johann Eberlin
366 All praise to thee, O King divine ENGELBERG
474 When I survey the wondrous cross ROCKINGHAM
201 Strengthen for service, Lord, the hands MALABAR
347A Alleluia! sing to Jesus! ALLELUIA
Twenty-Second Sunday after Trinity, Oct 26 (Sat)
Lift thine eyes (SSA), Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
O Lord, hear my prayer (TTB), Matthew Locke
287 Give praise and glory unto God ELBING
357 Hail, thou once despised Jesus! IN BABILONE
202a Draw nigh and take the Body of the Lord GARDEN
289 O God, our help in ages past ST. ANNE
All Saints, Nov 1 (Fri), 6:30p
Missa O quam gloriosum, Victoria
Gregorian propers
Justorum animae, William Byrd
These are they which follow the Lamb, John Goss
132B The eternal gifts of Christ the King AETERNA CHRISTI MUNERA (GUIDETTI)
130 Who are these like stars appearing ALL SAINTS
597 Jerusalem the golden EWING
589 O what their joy and their glory must be O QUANTA QUALIA
Twenty-Third Sunday after Trinity, Nov 2 (Sat)
Ubi caritas, Maurice Duruflé
477 God himself is with us TYSK
455 How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds ST. PETER
190 Let thy Blood in mercy poured LUISE
463 O thou who camest from above HEREFORD
Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Trinity, Nov 9 (Sat)
Christus factus est, Felicio Anerio
340 We sing the praise of him who died BRESLAU
408 Take my life, and let it be HOLLINGSIDE
189 And now, O Father, mindful of the love UNDE ET MEMORES
404 My God, accept my heart this day SONG 67
Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Trinity, Nov 16 (Sat)
Dextera Domini, Orlando di Lasso
301 Immortal, invisible, God only wise ST. DENIO
312 The Lord will come and not be slow YORK
206 This is the hour of banquet and of song CANTICUM REFECTIONIS
542 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun DUKE STREET
Christ the King, Nov 23 (Sat)
Missa O rex gloriae, Palestrina (K, S, A)
Gloria: Merbecke
At the entrance: Laudes Regiæ
O King all glorious, Healey Willan
282 Praise, my soul, the King of heaven LAUDA ANIMA
356A At the Name of Jesus KING'S WESTON
554 Lead on, O King eternal LANCASHIRE
Advent 1C, Nov 30 (Sat)
Missa Marialis
Rorate caeli desuper, William Byrd
1 Come, thou long-expected Jesus STUTTGART
6 Creator of the stars of night CONDITOR ALME
5 Lo! he comes, with clouds descending HELMSLEY
Advent 2C, Dec 7 (Sat)
Missa Marialis
Canite tuba, Hieronymous Praetorius
9 Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding MERTON
11 The King shall come when morning dawns ST. STEPHEN
8 O Word that goest forth on high VERBUM SUPERNUM
2 O come, O come, Emmanuel VENI EMMANUEL
Advent 3C, Dec 15 (Sat)
Missa Marialis
Rejoice in the Lord alway, Anonymous
545 Hail to the Lord's Anointed WOODBIRD
4 Rejoice, rejoice, believers! GREENLAND
211 Come with us, O blessed Jesus HERZ UND MUND UND TAT UND LEBEN
Comfort, comfort ye, my people []
10 On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry WINCHESTER NEW
Lessons and Carols, Dec 16 (Sun), time TBD
joint service with St Thomas More Catholic Church
Advent 4C, Dec 22 (Sat)
Missa Marialis
Ave Maria, Josquin des Prez
Ave Maria, O Maiden, O Mother CLERKENWELL
197 Let all mortal flesh keep silence PICARDY
People, look east BESANÇON