The theme of the 2022 Bishop's Appeal is "Open wide the doors to Christ," calling us to greater evangelization, welcoming new people to a life-changing encounter with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the true and living God, who makes himself present in and through his Body, the Church. We invite you to exercise your stewardship of the Gospel, as disciples of Jesus Christ, to reach the Bishop's Appeal goal of $350,000, and expand the Ordinariate’s evangelizing reach.
Our St Alban’s community has a goal of $2420 for this year's appeal. Please consider making a sacrificial gift to the Bishop's Appeal and pray for the Ordinariate’s mission. In this way, you’ll help Bishop Lopes and all the members of our wider Ordinariate family proclaim Jesus Christ to the world.
Please visit the link below to donate online or return the pledge card and envelope provided on Sunday to make your gift. Checks should be made payable to the Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter and mailed directly to the Ordinariate. God bless you!
Give to the Bishop's Appeal Online